"Women Making Change" Global Exchange Delegation to Afghanistan: focused on Afghan women's issues and supporting Afghans in reconstructing a post-US bombing, post-Taliban nation. Global Exchange is a non-profit international human rights organization working to increase global awareness of the American public and building progressive, grassroots international partnerships. www.globalexchange.org. (This is a work-in-progress. Please continue to check in.)
I know how difficult it can be to keep a blog going from a foreign country. We had that problem in Vietnam this summer, but I'd really like to hear more of your reflections now that you're back.
Particularly, how optimist are you about the country? Is the military presence so very strong all over?
Hi, Heather. I've enjoyed reading and learning what I missed during the first day! Looking forward to reading more of your impressions.
a student sent me some of the pictures you had taken from afghanistan
your angst is profound and sweet
be well,
amir sabzevary, professor of philosophy and religion
Hi Heather,
"Children are the future", and helping them through assisting the women to help themselves could be the only way that works.
Nice work.
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